Tiaro State School is a PBL school. PBL stands for Positive Behaviour for Learning.
Using a whole-school approach to promote positive
behaviour across a school is the most effective way to develop a safe and
supportive learning environment.
In a whole-school approach, the school community
(students, parents and school staff) work together to establish the expectations
for behaviour. The expectations are simple, clear and explicit.
Research shows that students are more likely to respond
positively when they know what is expected of them and when responses to
behaviour are fair and consistent.
In a whole-school approach all students are explicitly
taught the expected behaviours. Some students will require additional support to
learn the expected behaviour. A few students will require intensive support to
assist them to learn appropriate ways of behaving.
At Tiaro State School we have 3 school expectations:
- Be respectful
- Be responsible
- Be safe